Want to turn belly fat to healthy ribed abs but don't have the time or space to work out at the office? Or maybe you don't want to get all sweaty by doing sets of crunches all day long. Whatever the reason, don't sweat it! We've got a few exercises you can do right now that will help you develop better abs.
1. Knee Raises
Roll your chair back to free up space and, without moving from your chair, bring your knees to your chest. Either hold the position for 30 seconds or do a set of 10-15 knee raises.
2. Seated Leg Pull-Ins
Roll your chair back and slide your butt to the edge of the seat. Grab the armrests for support and extend your legs straight out in front of you. Pull your knees to your chest, then extend once more. This is one repetition — do at least 10-15 for the best results.
3. Plank
You've always got time and space to do a plank! Get in the push-up position: on your hands and feet, with your back and neck straight, glutes tight, and butt tucked in. Hold for 25 to 45 seconds.
4. Bicycle Crunches
Roll the chair back from your desk and slide your butt to the edge of the seat. Clasp your hands behind your head and pump your knees to your chest (alternating) to touch your elbows to your knees in the traditional "bicycle" movement. Repeat for 10 to 15 repetitions per leg.
5. Alternating Knee Lifts
Instead of bringing both knees to your chest, do them one at a time. Keep the other leg off the floor as you raise the knee to your chest — this makes the exercise harder. Alternate right and left legs, doing at least 10 reps per side.
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