Difference between Weight loss and Fat loss

Nowadays everyone is trying to lose weight. But unfortunately majority of people don't understand the difference between weight loss & fat loss? they use both terms interchangeably. I hope after reading this article you can easily understand the difference.

  • Weight Loss means that body loses weight in the form of fats, muscle and water. But in most cases body has weight 30kg or above than normal, then ultimately body loses more muscle mass and water as compared to fat, don't worry it doesn't matter because it could not harm physical health but enhance your physical appearance.

  • Fat Loss means that body loses stored fat. It is necessary for those who are bodybuilder or fitness model where they require more defined muscle as per demand. Healthy goals are 10% body fat for men and 15 % for women.

You see, weight loss and fat loss are not necessarily the same thing. Weight loss is very easy to accomplish actually.

All you have to do is take in less calories than what your body burns on any given day. So if your body burns 2,500 calories, and you just take in 2,000 calories, weight loss will occur. The problem is that if those calories that you take in do not have the right amount of nutrients, the weight loss may come in the form of muscle tissue loss, water weight, and perhaps even some bone mass.


While any calorie restriction will bring about weight loss it is very important to distinguish between weight loss and fat loss.
Regardless of whether a person is interested in bodybuilding competition or simply looking fit, this principle applies to everyone. So always remember, train and diet hard but also be smart.


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